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Amorocho - Spanish (room 104)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Senior Future Planning Meeting 6-7pm
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Benken - Science (room 008)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Berling - Science (room 003)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Bertsch - Language Arts (room 208)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Bridges - Social Studies (room 309)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Brill - Science (room 001)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Burkey - Vocal Music (room 224)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Burton - Science (room 007)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Calder - Social Studies (room 216)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Casagrande - Art (room 009)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Chase - Mathematics (room 405)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Cooper - Mathematics (room 407)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Crawford- Orchestra (room 225)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Dunstan-Hoover - Language Arts (room 109
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Eckert - Special Education (room 223)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Ehrman - Mathematics (room 404)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Firestone - Special Education (room 211)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Funke - Band
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Garza - Science (room 002)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Gifford - Language Arts (room 210)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Glaser - Science & Engineering (room 018
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Goetz - Social Studies (room 303)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Granger - Science (room 004)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Harloff - Physical Education (Main Gym)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Hoover - Business (room 222)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Hopewell - Social Studies (room 311)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Hoying - Science (room 006)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Jennings - Special Education (room 202)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Keeler-Wyborski - Computer Science (room
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Kenter - Language Arts (room 107)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Kirlin - Special Education (room 112)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Knox-Math (room 409)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Kraft - Social Studies (room 307)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Loebker - Language Arts & Theatre (r
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Mainzer - Language Arts (room 204)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Martinez - Spanish (room 108)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
McKeown - Special Education (room 110)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Mechley - Mathematics (room 412)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
D. Miller - Spanish (room 106)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Mullins - Science (room 005)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Nakakura - English Language Learning (ro
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Nimmo - Health (room 200)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Plunkett - Family & Consumer Science
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Polivka - Science (room 013)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Quinn - Language Arts (room 207)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Roberts - Special Education (room 016)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Rowe - Teaching Professions (room 220)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Sand - Art (room 010)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Schulcz - Mathematics (room 406)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Shank-English (room 209)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Shea - Mathematics (room 408)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Spurling - Art (room 015)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
States-Math (room 205)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Steadman - Latin (room 217)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Stoll - Social Studies (room 301)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Stoller - German (room 101)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Suder - Social Studies (room 215)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Super - Mathematics (room 409)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Trujillo - Language Arts (room 212)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Venditto - Science (room 012)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Vesper - Art (room 011)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
B. Walker - Special Education (room 411)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
D. Walker - Mathematics (room 410)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Welsh - Language Arts (room 206)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Wesche - Band
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Williams - Social Studies (room 218)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Winkler - Social Studies (room 305)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Wood - Spanish (room 103)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences
Zhang - Mandarin (room 102)
24-25 Fall P/T Conferences