Select the schedule you wish to view
Mr. Ahmed Individual & Societies Room #204
Abdi Ahmed Room #204
Ms. Baker Room Reading #308
RMS Spring Conferences 2/25 and 3/13
Collis Barber 6th Grade Level Coach Room # 229
RMS Spring Conferences 2/25 and 3/13
Ms. Barke - EL Teacher
Ms. Chara co-teaches with Kearns/Morris/Holmes
Julie Beatty - Library Media Specialist
30 minute Digital Wellbeing Sessions 2/25 and 3/13
Holly Beck--Room 102
RMS Spring Conferences 2/25 and 3/13
Samantha Boll- RISE Center-based-RM103
RMS Spring Conferences 2/25 and 3/13
Ms. Brand Room Math #233
RMS Spring Conferences 2/25 and 3/13
Tracy Burke - 7th grade Counselor Room # 208
RMS Spring Conferences 2/25 and 3/13
Mr. Burns P.E. Teacher
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Sandy Carlson-Kortebein-Social Worker (6th gr, Spe Ed) 126F
RMS Spring Conferences 2/25 and 3/13
Mr. Christopher 8th grade English (Room 309)
RMS Spring Conferences 2/25 and 3/13
Kelli Clancy - Social Worker 7th and 8th Room # 126F
RMS Spring Conferences 2/25 and 3/13
Mrs. Davey-AVID
Ms. Davey AVID Room # 320
Ms. Abby Math (Room 312)
RMS Spring Conferences 2/25 and 3/13
Ms. Enyart- 6th Grade Reading (Room #333)
RMS Spring Conferences 2/25 and 3/13
Sarah Frohman EL teacher (Room 332)
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Elizabeth Gill 7th Grade Reading & English Rm #206
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Mr. Grados World Language Room #318
RMS Spring Conferences 2/25 and 3/13
Kevin Hill 8th grade math room #305
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Ms. Holmes- 7th/8th Science Room #202
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Mr. Hughes 8th/7th grade Individual & Societies Rm 313
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Raya Israelson 8th grade Individual & Socities Rm #303
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Shirrie Jackson Head Principal
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Mr. Johnson-Nixon 8th grade Assistant Principal
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Latandria Jones - 8th Grade Level Coach Rm #306
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
April Kabes - 6-8th Grade PE/Health
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Mrs. Kearns- 6th Grade English and Scien
Karrin Kearns rm. 232
Colleen Kennedy 6th grade Assistant Principal
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Ms. Kivens - SpEd Resource (Rm 217)
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Danielle Koch 7th grade English Room: 207
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Dave Koenen-Special Education Resource Teacher Room #219
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Karen Kozak - Orchestra Room #110
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Siobhan Krautkramer-I and S (Grade 6)
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13 Room 235
Matika Zsuzanna EL Teacher
Ms. Matika co-teaches read below for more info
Amari McDonald 7th Grade Level Coach
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
McLean, Merrissa McLean
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Mr. Meyers - 7th Grade Math Room #205
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Ms. Meyers - EL (English Learners)
Stephanie Meyers, Room 331
Matt Miskowiec - Room 311
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Mr. Moberg- Special Ed #212
RMS Spring Conferences 2/25 and 3/13
Lori Morris-6th/7th Grade Science and I & S
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Ms. Nali 8th grade World Language Rm #304
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Noelle Nelson Room #127B
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Mr. Ross Nelson 6th Grade Counselor Rm #231
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Mr. Onsum - DAPE
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Tiana Paulsen School Psychologist Rm127A
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Ms. Riggs Theatre Teacher Rm #328
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Natalie Ripley - Spanish 6/7 Rm #234
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Bri Sauter - 8th Grade Counselor - Room 310
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Peter Schuchman - 8th Grade Science - Room 301
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Rachel Seavey Music Teacher Room #901(1st floor)
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Kathy Seipp 6th grade English/Math Rm #336
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Mr. Severson - Grades 6-8 Design Rm #30(in the basement)
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Beth Sowden - School Psychologist Rm #126E
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Renae Stinar - Physical Education/Dance Rm #317
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Ms. Strand
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Ms. Sullivan Rm #324
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Rianna Swenstad Art Rm #116
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Mr. Sylvester - 6/7/8th Grade Band Rm #903(1st floor)
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Joan West-Talbot - Art Rm #111
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Lindsey Wolf- 6th and 7th Grade ELA SpEd
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Cindy Youngdahl
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13
Ms. Zarate 8th/7th grade World Language
RMS Spring Confernces 2/25 and 3/13