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Preparing for the New School Year

As we prepare for a new school year in the fall it is a great time to starting thinking
about what questions to discuss at your parent teacher meeting. There are many reasons to
consider setting up a parent teacher meeting prior to the new school year. If your child is new
to the school or has particular learning needs, we highly recommend setting up a meeting prior
to the new school year. See below for suggestions on what to discuss during this meeting prior
to the upcoming school year.
1. What is the best way to communicate with you? Some teachers have a strong
preference on the best way to reach them. If all parents follow suit this can help make
things uniform for the teacher to best address all concerns. If parents are randomly
texting, calling, or emailing it can become overwhelming to any teacher to properly
respond and address each parents concern.
2. What should I ask my child about your class? While it can be difficult to each teacher to
update you on their happenings daily, some teachers have blanket statement questions
that can help open up a conversation throughout the year. For example, “in this class we
do a lot of experiments” or “we do a lot of group projects.” These can give you an idea
of what to expect to ask your child about that particular class.
3. Policies I should know about? Make sure that you know each teacher’s policy when it
comes to homework, tardiness, discipline, and absences so that you can help hold your
student accountable. We recommend letting natural consequences for your students’
actions play out but knowing the policies in advance can help you prepare your student
for what they can expect.
