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How Often

It is common practice for elementary schools to schedule parent teacher conference times at least twice per year. Into middle school this may or may not be standard practice and will vary by school and by teacher. At the high school level conferences likely only take place upon request. Regardless of age it is very important that parents play a large role in their students’ academic success. At the elementary level this means taking the time to schedule parent teacher conference time slots. During these conferences there are many things that will be discussed.

  • Share academic progress: A parent teacher conference is the time and place that teachers can show off a student’s academic progress to their parents. This is a wonderful confidence boost for both students and parents that they are on the right track.
  • Learn from parents: Parents are their students first and strongest teachers. Classroom teachers can learn so many techniques from each parent on the best way to approach each child from their unique set of needs, behavior strengths and struggles, and unique learning styles.
  • Discuss enrichment or intervention: Since time is limited a parent teacher conference is likely the only time available to discuss the idea of enrichment or intervention. Whether a child is struggling or needs a greater challenge these opportunities need to be discussed between teachers and parents.
  • Discuss issues interfering with learning and growth: If there is anything going on either in the classroom or at home these issues should be discussed between both parents and teachers. Between the two groups a plan can be put in place to help the student overcome these struggles and to continue in their academic success.

Remember to consider all types of family dynamics that exist when scheduling a parent teacher conference. Families come in all shapes and sizes!
